Gpl 60fps Patch Download

Page 1 of 17 - GPL 60 fps patch version 1 released - posted in GPL-Tools/Utilities: The patch modifies GPL to run at a maximum 60 frames per second instead of the original maximum 36 frames per second. If you use an LCD monitor or a projector, are running GPL with Vista, or would prefer higher fps, then try the patch. Grand Theft Auto IV - game update v. - Download. Game update (patch) to Grand Theft Auto IV, a(n) action game, v., added on Thursday, December 8, 2016. Fixed a bug which made completing 'Out of Commission' mission impossible when frame rate exceeds 60fps.

Super Mario Sunshine 60fps Patch

I think three updates might be enough for Andy's news article about Mafia 3's 30 frames-per-second lock, so I'm turning over a fresh page, quill in hand, to bring you the news that the promised patch is available to download now. If you've not been following this minor controversy, Mafia 3 launched with a 30fps lock on PC, and there are probably dozens of frothing YouTube videos about that. The developers promised a patch that would allow 60fps play, and whadda ya know, that patch is here.

GameSpecial force patch download

Game Patch Download

You can now play Mafia 3 at 30fps, 60fps, or some crazy fps like 227 if you prefer, as there's also an 'unlimited fps' option. Oh, you wanted more fps, so say the patch notes; here, have all the fps in the world.

World Of Warcraft Patch Download

'To select your framerate, just head to the display menu in-game. Just make sure to tailor the framerate settings to the power of your machine. This patch also includes improvements to keyboard remapping, so head to the controls menu to check out the options. Note: this patch resets keyboard mapping to default, so any changes you made to the controls previously will need to be customized after installing the patch.'

Peru 8k Hdr 60fps Download

We'll bring you our review of Mafia 3 soon (PC Gamer wasn't given review code in time for a timely review), but for now, have a read of Andy's impressions of its first few hours.